Privacy Policy for Taxi 24 On-Demand Services

This Privacy Notice explains how Taxi24 or its affiliates (together referred to as “Taxi24” or “we”) collect and use personal data. Taxi24 provides on-demand transportation services on an intermediary platform provided by Taxi24 Free Zone LLC (“Taxi24 Technology”, “Taxi24 App” or “Taxi24 Platform”). This Privacy Notice applies to all users of Taxi24’s mobile applications, websites, call center, or technology when requesting Taxi24 services, and when users interact or communicate with us regarding Taxi24 services (collectively, the “Taxi24 Services”).


Data controllers:


When a taxi 24 application is downloaded and transport services are provided, taxi 24 technology is controlled your personal data provided during the registration process and other personal data provided directly in your personal account for the use of taxi 24 application and services provided (“account data”).

When using a taxi 24 app, you can get one or more services. If you want to use transport services on demand specifically, this service is available from taxi 24 and taxi 24 will share your account data with taxi 24, which will act as a separate data control. In addition, a taxi 24 controls all data received, processed and used as part of transport services on demand.


The privacy notice relates only to data received or collected, processed and used as part of your registration and use of the on-demand transport services provided by a taxi 24. All other data collected, processed and used for services, with the exception of on-demand transport services, The one you’re asking from the application of a taxi 24 by taxi 24 technology are controlled and their privacy notice can be found here for further details.


Taxi 24 shares some of your data about on-demand transport services with taxi 24 technology for the purposes described in section 4, often to facilitate standardization of experience in the various services available on taxi 24 platform, for which taxi 24 technology acts as an independent control.




For the purpose of collecting user payments for drivers, taxi technology 24 acts As a collection and disbursement agent for the Regional Trade Implementation Company – Taxi 24 and the data control point that it collects directly from you and/or receives from a taxi 24. Taxi technology 24 may also need to process such data to comply with existing laws and regulations, despite its role as a collector and payer of a taxi 24. If you have any questions about using that data, please contact Taxi 24 technology here.


By accessing or using services, you confirm that you have read this privacy notice fully and understand that the information collected by a taxi 24 according to this privacy notice may be used in accordance with the applicable laws, this privacy notice and the conditions of use of the end user or driver.


  1. Scope and application
  2. Information gathering
  3. Use of personal data
  4. Sharing of personal data
  5. Automatic decision making
  6. International transmission of personal data
  7. Storage of personal data
  8. Your choices
  9. Security precautions
  10. Cookies
  11. Guest users
  12. Suppliers
  13. Changes to this privacy notice
  14. Contact Us



This notice of privacy applies to all individuals anywhere in the world who access or use our services, and applies specifically to The following organizations:


Captains: Individuals who provide (or request to provide) transportation to people, either individually or through partner transportation companies.

Passengers: Individuals who request or receive transportation, including those who receive the required transport from another individual.

In this notification, we will use some important definitions:


Dependent Companies: (1) Any establishment in which the Regional Trade Implementation Company (Taxi 24) owns a free zone LLC Directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries at least 50% of the quotas, or 50% of the voting rights; and 2) any subsidiary or company associated with that enterprise referred to in (1). It also includes our legal representatives, our appointed directors, our successor in interest and The authorized recipients as designated by us.

The law in force means any law applicable to the processing of your personal data by us, whether based on the provision of services, the control of your behaviour over the Internet (e.g. using connection identification files), the use of our services or the provision of your services to us.
The end user or customer refers to the recipient of transportation services on demand provided by the captains as well as passengers.
Personal data are any data or information relating to any individual that, in itself or in combination with other data or information, may identify the individual.
Treatment or processing means the collection, storage, use or transfer of personal data.
Conditions of use shall mean the terms and conditions of passengers and/or the Convention on Cables issued by the enterprise concerned in Taxi 24 from time to time and accepted for passengers and captains respectively.
Transaction data means any information collected relating to your treatment with taxi 24, which may include, but is not limited to, your name, contact information, payment information and the details of the transaction itself.



Depending on the services you access or use, we collect and use the following information:


a. Information you provide directly to us


b. Information related to the use of your account and our services


c. Information obtained from other sources and third parties, including information about you


a. Information you provide directly to us:

Whether you are an End User or a Captain, you are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide on the Taxi24 platform, and Taxi24 will only modify or update your personal data at your request or when you modify your account data on the Taxi24 platform.
End Users If you are an End User, we collect Personal Data that you provide to us through your access to or use of the Services, for example when you do any of the following:
– Create or modify your Taxi24 account to use our Services.
– access the Services
– order the Services on your behalf or on behalf of others; and
– contact Taxi24 customer support.
– fill out user surveys or provide feedback; or
– otherwise communicate with us.
The data collected in these processes may include:
– Your name.
– Your email address, from which we may know your employer if you send us your work/company email address.
– your telephone number
– Addresses you have provided on the Taxi24 platform to be stored in your file for future reference.
– Your payment method.
– Your residential address.
– Payment information, including your preferred payment method.
– Photos/videos, including photographs or videos provided to identify you, such as through facial recognition technology.
– Identity card (a copy of it) and the information contained therein, including but not limited to your gender, date of birth, nationality, occupation and/or photograph; and
– any other information that we may reasonably request from you or that you may choose to provide to us.
Personal data of children under the age of 18 Taxi24 does not knowingly collect or retain personal data from children, as use of the Services is restricted to those over the age of 18 and individuals who can enter into binding contracts under applicable law.
If you book a trip on behalf of a child under the age of 18, we may indirectly collect information about that child. Each time you book a trip on behalf of a child under the age of 18, you represent and warrant to us that
– you have the legal right to do so on behalf of the child; and
– you have the legal right to provide consent on behalf of the child to the collection and use of the child’s personal data by us; and
– you provide us with that consent by continuing to book the flight or use our services on behalf of the child to the maximum extent possible under applicable laws.
Captains If you are a Captain, we collect your Personal Data that you provide to us directly through your access to or use of the Services and Taxi24 will provide the Taxi24 Captain App and accompanying support services for your use and access to the Taxi24 Platform, but will do so on behalf of Taxi24 when you provide transportation services to end customers, including services such as:
– requesting to create or modify your account in the Taxi24 Captain App on Taxi24.
– To use our services as a captain.
– to come to the premises of Taxi24 or any third party to enroll as a Captain; and
– to access the Taxi24 app or the Taxi24 platform for the purposes of using our Services; and
– to contact Taxi24 customer support.
– fill out a user survey or provide feedback; or
– otherwise communicate with us.
Personal data collected in these processes may include:
– Your name.
– your email address
– your telephone number
– your postal address
– your date of birth
– Your gender.
– Photos/videos, including photographs or videos provided to identify you, such as through facial recognition technology.
– Identity card (photocopy) and the information contained therein
– Residence card (photo) and the information contained therein
– Driver’s license (photo) and the information contained therein.
– A letter of reference.
– Payment information including your preferred payment method and bank account details.
– Self-contractor registration documents (photo).
– Insurance documents (photo) and the information contained therein.
– Tourist license (photo) (if required by applicable laws) and the information contained therein.
– Taxi license or public driver’s permit (photo) (if required by applicable laws)
– Proof of non-conviction (if required by applicable laws).
– Proof of fitness to provide services (if required by applicable laws); and
– any other information that we may reasonably request from you or that you may choose to provide to us.
Please note that if you choose not to provide any personal data to us, or if you request deletion of any or all of your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with our services at all or to the standard that we would be able to provide them to you if we used your personal data.


b. Information related to the use of your account and our services:

End Users and Captains
When you access our Services, either as an End User or as a Captain, we collect information, some of which is Personal Data. In some cases, we collect this data through cookies, pixels, tags and similar tracking technology that creates and maintains unique identifiers.
This information may include
The mobile network information you use.
the operating system of the mobile phone you are using
mobile application crash reports.
features of the mobile application and applications used.
time zone configuration.
device location.

IP address.
Device information including the type of device you are using and the unique device identifier (for example, the IMEI number, the MAC address of the device’s wireless network interface and the installed applications or mobile number used on the device).
SMS data; and
Transaction-related information.
information about safety-related incidents; and
Registration date information.
If you are an End User, we may also collect
Details of the specific service you have requested.
The opinion of the captain you choose to provide.
your specific location at the time you access or use our Services; and
the time and date you booked the service, whether at that time or at any time in the future; and
Your booked or actual destination.
your itinerary; and
personal data of individuals on whose behalf you access or use our Services, for example when you book a trip for others.
If you are a Captain, we also collect the following information
Any end-user feedback you choose to provide.
details of any trips you have taken or services you have provided
Your itinerary.
the time and date of any bookings you accepted, declined or canceled.
We also use GPS technology to determine your current location. For Captains, GPS technology may be used while the Taxi24 app is running in the background and in the foreground, whether or not the Captain is online. For end users, GPS technology is only used when the Taxi24 app is running in the foreground of your phone’s apps or during the trip.
Some of our location-enabled services require your personal data for this feature to work. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Notice, you consent to the use of GPS technology when it is required to use our services. The use of GPS is a setting that you can turn on or off from your mobile device’s settings at any time.


c. Information obtained from other sources and third parties, including information about you:

End Users and Captains
We may also receive information, including Personal Data, from other sources and combine it either with Personal Data we receive from you or collect through our Services. For example:
We may receive information from your employer (or similar entity) if your employer (or similar entity) is involved in any of our corporate projects/solutions
If you choose to link, create or access your Taxi24 account with a payment provider or social media service (such as Facebook), or if you participate in a separate app or website that uses our API (or we use its API), we may receive information about you or your connections from that website or app.
we may receive information from our affiliates about whether you are subject to a debarment from providing services or a ban from using the affiliates’ services; and
We may obtain Personal Data from third parties that help us verify an individual’s identity and background information for legal, regulatory, anti-money laundering, safety and security purposes. This may include checks against sanctions lists, lists of politically connected persons, relatives and close associates of such persons, and negative media.
If you are an end user, we may also
collect information about you from your employer if your employer uses one or more of our corporate solutions; and
Receive feedback from captains after providing service to you.
If you are a Captain, we may also:
Receive feedback from end-users after you provide services to them.
If you also interact with our Services in another capacity, for example if you are both an End User and a Captain at the same time or if you use services provided by one or more of our affiliates, we may collect or link that information.
Receive information about you from a third party company with which we have a contract, if you are a Captain employed by or associated with a third party company.
receive information from your insurance, vehicle or financial services providers
obtain any additional information about you, as required, from publicly available sources or from governmental authorities.



End Users and Captains
We may use the personal data we collect as described above for the following purposes:
Providing, maintaining or improving our Services.
Perform internal administration and operations, including conducting data analysis, screening and research to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends; and to address software viruses and operational issues
sending or facilitating communications (i) between end users and captains, such as estimated time of arrival (ETAs), or (ii) at your direction, between you and any of the people you have communicated with regarding your use of certain features, such as referrals or invitations.
Send you communications, including administrative or service-related messages, receipts and other communications that we believe are of interest to you, including information about current and/or new products and services, promotions, news and events of Taxi24 and other companies, as authorized and in accordance with applicable laws; and (ii) at your direction, between you and any persons you have contacted regarding your use of certain features, such as referrals.
hold contests, sweepstakes or other registrations to promote and fulfill any related prizes
allow you to participate in interactive features of our Services
maintaining the safety and security of our Services, including screening Captains and End Users before enabling them to use our Services and periodically thereafter, including by reviewing background checks, where permitted by law, to help prevent the use of our Services by unsafe Captains and/or End Users; and
prevent, detect and suppress fraud or unsafe activities, including those committed using any device, location, file, usage or data of others; and
customize and improve the Services to fit personal needs, including providing or recommending features, content, social links, referrals, and advertisements; and
Using end-user and captain ratings and reviews to encourage adherence to the Taxi24 Terms of Use and as a basis for suspending captains who receive low ratings or who otherwise violate these guidelines in some countries.
changing, modifying, rearranging, reordering, enhancing or otherwise using search results from Google Maps services to improve location services; and
determine your location if you use the alert key in the Taxi24 mobile app; and
ask you about your experience using our Services, including asking you about a particular Captain.
Captains only
We may use the personal data we collect as described above for the following purposes:
In some areas, using information derived from Captains’ license photos and other images provided to Taxi24 and/or Taxi24, for safety and security purposes. This includes the Live ID feature, which asks you to submit a photo (selfie) of yourself before or during linking to the Site to help verify that the individual using the Taxi24 Captain app is the same Captain account stored in our and Taxi24’s files. This also includes comparing photos we or Taxi24 have against photos of (i) other users to prevent identity theft, and (ii) from public databases to verify a user’s identity; and
offering, obtaining, providing or facilitating insurance, vehicle, billing and financing solutions.



Depending on the purposes for which we have collected your personal data, we may share your personal data as follows:
End Users and Captains
We may share your personal data:
-with affiliates of Tanfeeth Regional Trading Company – Taxi 24.
– With third parties we use to carry out work on our behalf or to fulfill any contract we enter into with them including:
– Taxi24, regarding the following:
– Account data used when registering on the Taxi 24 platform to use the Taxi 24 services and used to provide a seamless experience when moving between services on the Taxi 24 platform, such as your account identity, payment methods and preferred methods of payment, and.
– Taxi24 Data, which Taxi 24 will use as a separate controller for all services provided on the Taxi 24 Platform; (i) to improve the reliability of the Taxi 24 Platform; (ii) to improve the customer support experience; (iii) training modules; (iv) to identify and suppress unsafe and fraudulent activity; and (v) to create user profiles to facilitate a standardized experience on the Platform and deliver personalized offers and promotions.
– Google regarding the use of Google Maps/Earth on the Taxi 24 Platform (see Google’s Privacy Policy and Google Maps Additional Terms of Service for information about its collection and use of data on the Site, respectively).
– social media companies, including Facebook, regarding Taxi 24’s use of their tools in the Taxi24 Platform and the Taxi 24 App (see Facebook’s Privacy Policy for information about their collection and use of data).
– Vendors who help us verify identity and background information or who perform background checks for users regarding sanctions, anti-money laundering, fraud and KYC requirements. In some cases, these service providers may retain suspected fraudulent profiles for the purposes of identifying future fraud.
– cloud storage providers
– payment processors and facilitators
– marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers who help us better understand you as a user and measure advertising effectiveness; and
– research partners, including organizations that conduct surveys or research projects in conjunction with Taxi24 or on Taxi24’s behalf; and
– Vendors who help Taxi24 improve the safety and security of our services.
– consultants, lawyers, accountants and other professional service providers
– airports, including when requested by airport authorities as a condition of operating at airport facilities; and
– financial institutions, such as banks with whom we partner to offer joint products
– with third parties to market their products or services to you if you agree to receive promotional offers when they are offered.
– if we notify you otherwise and you agree to share the information.
– with third parties in an aggregated and/or de-identified form that cannot reasonably be used to identify you.
– with law enforcement officials, financial regulators, anti-money laundering agencies, government authorities, public health officials, competent authorities and other third parties: (1) to enforce or apply our Terms of Use; (2) to investigate possible violations of these Terms or applicable laws or if we believe that your actions are inconsistent with our Terms of Use; (3) to protect Taxi24’s rights or the rights, property or safety of others; or (4) if we believe that disclosure is consistent with or required by applicable law, regulation, license, operating agreement, legal process or governmental requests, or if disclosure is otherwise appropriate due to safety or similar concerns.
– with a claims processor or insurer to provide any information (including your contact information) if there is a complaint, dispute or controversy involving an incident to which you are a party with another party and such information or data is necessary to resolve the complaint, dispute or controversy; and
– with third parties in connection with any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation, restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or any part of our business by or with any other company, or during negotiations about any of the foregoing.
End Users Only
We may share your personal data in the following cases:
At your request e.g. if you agree to share your expected arrival time and location with a friend.
with captains, to enable them to provide the services you have requested. For example, we share your name and the location of your embarkation and/or disembarkation with captains.
with third parties you choose to allow us to share your personal data with them, including other apps or websites that integrate with our API or services, or with an API or service that we integrate with.
with Hala as defined in this Privacy Notice; or
with your employer (or a similar entity) if your employer is involved in any enterprise or corporate solutions.
Captains only
With end users, to enable them to recognize you and your vehicle.
with your employer or with a third-party transportation company with which your Captains account is associated; and
with companies or insurance providers for fleet financing solutions whose product offerings we believe may be of interest to you.



We use personal data to make automated decisions regarding the use of our services such as:
Determining the rating of Captains and End Users and stopping them from using the App if they have low ratings.
Matching available Captains with end users requesting services based on availability, proximity and other factors; and
Enabling dynamic pricing, in which the price of a trip is determined based on ever-changing factors such as estimated time, distance, expected route, estimated congestion, and the number of captains and end users using Taxi 24 at any given time; and
flagging Captains and/or End Users who are identified as parties engaged in fraud, unsafe activity, or other activities that may cause harm to Taxi 24 and/or third parties.
Taxi 24 performs the activities referred to above on the basis that they are necessary to fulfill its obligations to End Users under our Terms of Use or any other agreements with Users, or are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of Taxi 24, its Users and third parties.



Due to the regional scope of our business, we process personal data globally. This means that we may also transfer personal data to countries other than the country in which you reside or use Taxi 24’s services. When transferring your personal data abroad, we will take appropriate measures to protect your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice and the laws of the country from which the transfer takes place.
If applicable laws require us to obtain your consent to process personal data outside the country where Taxi24’s services are made available to you, you provide that consent to us by continuing to book the trip to the maximum extent possible under applicable laws.



We will store and retain your personal data for the period of time necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, unless the nature of the purpose changes, in which case the data retention period may be lengthened or shortened.
Regardless of the purposes for which we collect your personal data, we also store and retain personal data to maintain the integrity of our databases, to perform ongoing services on your behalf, for research, analysis and statistical purposes and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Following an account cancellation request (granted in accordance with the data subject’s rights described below), we will delete or archive the personal data of the individual to whom the request relates, unless we are required to retain it due to any legal or regulatory requirements, for security, safety and fraud prevention purposes, or due to any issue related to your account such as an unpaid credit amount or an unresolved claim or dispute.



1. Permission required from the device
Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without permission from the device owner. Different platforms have different ways of obtaining permission. Please see the settings on your device or check with your device provider.
2. Marketing and withdrawal
In some countries we cannot provide you with any direct marketing communications unless we obtain your express consent to do so in advance.
In all cases, Taxi 24 offers End Users and Captains the opportunity to opt out of receiving direct marketing communications from us and our partners:
in any direct email marketing communications you receive from us; and
For End Users, from the “Settings” menu in Taxi 24
3. Rights of the data subject
If you would like Taxi 24 to correct the personal data that Taxi24 holds about you, please read here. This link allows you to correct any incomplete or incorrect information that Taxi24 holds about you.
If you decide to suspend your account, you can contact us here. Please note that if you are a Captain, there are other steps you need to take to activate this request.
Depending on the country you are in, at the time we collect and use your personal data to provide services to you, you may have all or any of the following rights under applicable law:
– Request access to your data, including your profile data and travel history (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). If the information you have requested discloses personal data to any third party, we will: (1) seek that party’s consent before responding to your request; (2) consider whether it is reasonable to provide it to you; or (3) redact the third party’s personal data before responding. If we are unable to provide access to your personal data because disclosure would violate the rights and freedoms of third parties, we will inform you of this decision.
– Request erasure of your personal data. This right enables you to ask Taxi 24 to erase your personal data in the following cases
– Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
– If the only lawful basis for processing is your consent and you withdraw that consent.
– if you object to the processing of your personal data on a legal basis related to your specific situation, and Taxi 24 cannot demonstrate compelling legitimate interests in the processing.
– if your personal data is unlawfully processed; or
– Your personal data must be erased to comply with legal requirements.
Before requesting erasure of your account, you understand that you will also be subject to Taxi 24’s terms and conditions which may include without limitation completing/cancelling any active or scheduled bookings, canceling subscriptions and emptying your Taxi 24 Payments wallet. If you are an end-user of a project/company account, we may not be able to process your deletion request if there are outstanding payments for the respective project account.
After receiving your erasure request, we will log you out of your Taxi 24 account. We will process your request within 90 days. If you log in to your Taxi 24 account during this 90-day period, the account deletion will be canceled and your account will remain unchanged.
Taxi24 may be obliged to retain certain data in accordance with legal or regulatory requirements, for safety, security and fraud prevention purposes or due to any issue related to your account such as an unpaid credit amount or an unresolved claim or dispute.
– Object to our processing of your personal data where Taxi 24 is relying on a legitimate interest (or that of a third party) and there is something in your specific case that makes you wish to object to processing on that basis.
– Request that we prohibit the processing of your personal data in the following cases
– If you consider that our processing of your personal data is incorrect.
– if you consider the processing to be unlawful and you object to the erasure of your personal data and instead request the prohibition of the processing.
– if we no longer need your personal data for processing purposes but the personal data is still required by you to establish, pursue or defend against a legal claim; or
– if you request verification that the legitimate interests of Taxi 24 outweigh your interests.
– Revocation of your consent, where we have expressly requested your consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data. Revocation of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your prior consent.
Depending on your location or the version of the Taxi 24 app you are using, you can exercise these rights through the settings menu in the Taxi 24 app or by contacting Taxi 24.
You may be contacted for additional information if we are unable to verify your identity or if the scope of your request is unclear or does not provide sufficient information for us to conduct a search (for example, if you request “all information about me”). Once we have all the information we need to find your personal data, we will begin processing your request.
Applicable law may authorize or require us to refuse to process your request, or we may have destroyed, erased or anonymized personal data in accordance with our record-keeping obligations and practices. If we determine that your request has no legal basis, we reserve the right not to process your request and will inform you of this decision.
In addition, depending on your location, you may have the right to lodge a complaint with your country’s data protection authority about our handling of your personal data.



Your Taxi 24 profile is password protected so that no one but you, Taxi 24, Taxi 24’s authorized affiliates, and Taxi 24’s employees or service providers (“Authorized Employees”) can view your account information. Taxi 24 Authorized Employees will never contact you and request any personal information about your account, including your password.
Taxi 24 makes every effort to ensure the security of your personal data. Taxi 24 has colleagues dedicated to working to maintain compliance with this Privacy Notice and other privacy initiatives, to periodically review the security of our services and to ensure that all Taxi24 colleagues are aware of our security practices. Unfortunately, the security of data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, Taxi 24 cannot guarantee the security of any personal data you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. If you have any further questions on this matter, please refer to our Terms of Use. To the extent authorized by applicable law, Taxi 24 hereby disclaims any liability and you hereby waive any claims and indemnify us against any claims that may be brought by any third party who has access to or uses our ride-hailing services through your account, which may arise if any other individuals obtain personal data collected by Taxi24 about you or third parties who access or use the services through your account.



Cookies are small text files that are saved on your browser or device from websites, apps, online media and advertisements. We use cookies and similar technology for purposes such as:
distinguishing you from other users on the Taxi24 platform.
remembering your references and settings
Understanding the online behavior and interests of people who interact with our services, including determining content acceptability and analyzing site traffic and trends
Improve the services we provide
We may also allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services to us, to serve advertisements on our behalf online, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These third parties may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs and other technologies to identify the devices used by visitors to our Sites, and the time they visit other websites and services.



We consider you a guest user if you receive rides but are not an account holder with Taxi24, for example in the following cases:
You request a trip through partner websites or apps such as trip request aggregators.
The trip is arranged by another account holder.
The Guest User’s Personal Data may be associated with or available to the Taxi24 account holder.
In these cases, your personal data is used and may be shared with third parties: (i) to provide those trips; and (ii) for security and safety purposes, customer support, research and development, to enable communication between users, and for any legal claim and requirements.



We consider you to be a supplier if you are an individual (not a captain) providing services to Taxi24, whether in an individual capacity, or on behalf of any organization as a member or employee of that organization.
If you are a supplier or you work for a supplier, we will collect Personal Data when you provide or request to provide services to us or otherwise communicate with us or the company you represent.
The personal data collected in the course of doing so may include
Your name.
your email address
your telephone number;.
your postal address; your mailing address
your passport or national ID number
information of the bank through which payment for the Services will be made.
information regarding partners, headquarters, financial history, references and ultimate beneficial owners; and
any other information that we may reasonably request or that you may choose to provide to us.
We may use the personal data we collect as defined above for the following purposes:
communicate with you regarding the provision of your services to us; and
facilitating payments to you; and
consider our potential or existing relationship with your company.
If you are a supplier, we will rely on third parties who assist us in verifying your identity and checking information about your background for legal, regulatory, anti-money laundering, sanctions and security purposes. This may include checks against sanctions lists or lists of politically connected persons and their relatives and close associates, and negative publicity.
Please note that if you choose to provide us with some of this personal data, or if you request that we erase any or all of this data, we may not be able to hire you or continue to hire you to provide services to us.



We may make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time. If we make any significant changes to the way we handle your Personal Data, or to this Privacy Notice, we will provide notice to you through the Services or by any other means, such as email or push notification.
To the extent authorized by applicable law, your continued use of the Services after such notice constitutes your consent to the changes to the extent authorized by law.
We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Notice for the latest information about our privacy practices.



If you have any queries, comments or requests regarding this privacy notice, or if you have any questions about how Taxi24 processes your personal data, please contact us by filling out the Contact Us form.