The importance of adhering to safety rules for safe driving

September 13, 2023

Safety first, safety is what we seek when driving, to avoid any accidents or injuries, and with attention to the skills and abilities of drivers to drive, you must fully commit and follow the driving guidelines, to keep you safe on the road, and the safety of our customers, and these are the most important safety rules for safe driving:

1. Wear Seat Belts and Respect Traffic Signals:

Wearing a seat belt saves many lives, as it has saved many people, as it prevents the driver or those next to him from hitting the windscreen of the car, so make sure you always wear your seat belt.

2. Stick to the speed limit and avoid reckless driving:

Excessive speed is one of the most common factors that lead to accidents, as there are many laws that prevent driving at a speed that exceeds the speed limit, so stick to the speed limit and do not drive recklessly even if you will be late for your appointment.

3. Avoid using a mobile phone while driving:

All laws in the world prohibit the use of mobile phones while driving, but some do not care about this, as the use of mobile phones while driving is one of the most broken rules that cause many accidents, and this does not only apply to the use of mobile phones, but anything that distracts the driver from driving, such as eating food, talking to others, applying make-up, and other things should be avoided for safe driving.

4. Avoid driving when feeling tired and fatigued:

Some people may fall asleep while driving, and this may be due to not getting enough rest, so we advise not to drive in case of fatigue, exhaustion or feeling sleepy, and it is preferable to get a good sleep before driving the car, and when driving long distances, it is preferable to have a break of at least ten minutes, to regain your activity again.

5. Avoid Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol:

It is advised not to drive after consuming alcohol, as it affects concentration while driving, as there are more than 28 people who die every day due to driving after consuming alcohol, avoid this to ensure a safe journey.

6. Maintain a Safe Distance Between Vehicles:

You must leave a distance between your car and the car in front of you, meaning that if the speed is 90 km/h, the distance between your car and the car in front of you should not be less than 45 metres at least, and you must also pay attention to the cars surrounding your car, some of them may not abide by all traffic rules, so you must be aware of sudden changes, such as sudden stops on highways, changing lanes and turning the car, and other changes, and you must follow the rules and use the mirror and directional signals.

7. Be cautious of weather conditions:

Take extra care when driving in foggy weather, heavy rain, and storms, stick to driving below the speed limit, be cautious on curves, keep an extra distance between your car and the car in front, and if the weather worsens, find a safe place to wait out the rain or storms.